Brian DeGraw
Recent Works on Paper
January 9—January 10, 2020
Thoughts in my head while drawing:
The Century Plant / De-evolution / Re-evolution / Revolution in the Greater Depression / Mark Mothersbaugh survived Covid / Nehemiah sings again / Dial-A-Poems not Dead / Self Portrait as weight fluctuates / Extinction Burger / Plant medication / City meditation / Life is a blip / Age is a trip / Stimulus check 1200 / pretend 2 luv / Gloria Gaynor and Ian Curtis polar axis / champignon champion / Cuomo poster / arrest Breonna Taylor’s murderers / the Third Eye is a headlight on a bicycle / hole punch symbolism / all money is Gods money / Thank You.
—Brian DeGraw 2020
Brian DeGraw
641-793-8122, 2020
Ink pen, graphite, colored pencil on paper
22 × 18 in (55.88 × 45.72 cm)

Allergic Reaction (Warli Kite), 2020
Colored pencil, watercolor, graphite on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

Betye Saar in the New York Times, 2019
Graphite, alcohol marker, walnut oil on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

Cooking a Fish for LB, 2020
Colored pencil, acrylic, oil pastel on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

De-Evolution and the Stimulus Check, 2020
Colored pencil, watercolor, ink on paper
18 × 24 in (45.72 × 60.96 cm)

Deakin, 2019
Colored pencil, alcohol marker, walnut oil on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

EarthEater, 2019
Watercolor, colored pencil, alcohol marker, walnut oil on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

Invisible Industry, 2020
Watercolor, colored pencil, graphite, marker on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

LB in Mt. Tremper, 2020
Colored pencil, watercolor, ink on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

Man with Fish Tattoo (4), 2019
Colored pencil, watercolor on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

Nehemiah, 2020
Ink, watercolor, graphite on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

Self Portrait, 2020
Colored pencil, graphite, watercolor, acrylic on paper
24 × 18 in (60.96 × 45.72 cm)

Self Portrait Watching Fox & his Friends, 2020
Watercolor, alcohol marker, walnut oil, oil stick, graphite, ink on paper
17 × 14 in (43.18 × 35.56 cm)

Unemployment Assistance, 2020
Colored pencil, watercolor, graphite, acrylic on paper
22 × 30 in (55.88 × 76.2 cm)

Young and Old, 2020
Ink pen, graphite, watercolor on paper
22.5 × 20.5 in (57.15 × 52.07 cm)